Ricky Skiba Coaching » Testimonials

What My Clients Have to Say

Arlene Forastiere


Working out over zoom is really nice because I love being able to work out at home. I’ve done CrossFit, yoga, and online prescriptions for years and I have not seen improvement as fast as I have. I have spent years trying to develop strength into my body and it’s happened so quickly because I’m working with Ricky. If you really value progress, it is worth it.

Rachel Taylor

Rachel Taylor

“As I’ve worked with Ricky I’ve come to realize that fitness is more about my health. Working out consistently has given me a sense of confidence in myself and I’m now able to do moves in my home that I couldn’t even do in a gym. I didn’t reach my goals, I found a better one.”

Arlene Forastiere

Arlene Forastiere

“I’ve used fitness centers most of my adult life and it wasn’t inspiring. With Ricky, there’s something new, something challenging, I’m constantly challenged and I feel good about that. He understood where I was initially and personalized the program using his unique style. I’m in it for life.”

Max Davidson

Max Davidson

“It’s been great working with Ricky as a trainer. He’s very encouraging and he pushes me when I struggle, but he’s not a drill sergeant. He doesn’t let me sit back and do whatever I want. It’s been a nice balance and different from other trainers I’ve had in the past.”

Josh De Roos

“I had a desk job for 30 years, put on 30 lbs, and never lost it. Having my sessions really helped me stay motivated. I went from dreading our workouts to really looking forward to them. If you’re someone like me who doesn’t exercise, and you just need that push for motivation, Rickys your guy.”

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